Strength of Material Book by Ramamrutham

Strength of Material written by Ramamrutham.

This well-known text-book has been largely written and enlarged for the present edition. In the preface Mr. Ramamrutham states that a number of fresh examples, mostly drawn from actual practice, have been added to the various chapters, and that all tables of strengths, elasticities, and weights of materials have been brought up to date.

Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Considered the standard reference for the mechanical industries worldwide, this comprehensive, practical, easy-to-use reference contains new and revised material for mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists.

Strength of Material by Ramamrutham with following content in this book.

This book is very easy to understand and very good quality content available in this book.


  1. Simple Stress and Strains 1-100
  2. Strain Energy – impact loading 101-118
  3. Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia 119-157
  4. Share force and bending moments 158-227
  5. Stresses in Beams 228-337
  6. Direct and Bending Stresses 338-370
  7. Masonry Dams 371-388
  8. Deflection of Beams 389-527
  9. Fixed and Continuous Beams 528-581
  10. Torsion of Shafts 582-632
  11. Principal Stress and strains 633-682
  12. Thin Cylinders and Spheres 706-726
  13. Columns and Struts 727-768
  14. Riveted Joints 769-798
  15. Welded Connections 799-830
  16. Analysis of Framed Structures 831-914
  17. Simple Mechanical Properties of Metals 915-922
  18. Element of Reinforced Concrete 923-998
    Appendix 999-1035
    Index 1036-1038

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Strength of Material by Ramamrutham

Also Read Building Materials book By S. K. Duggal

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Jyotirmay Maity is a B.Tech Civil Engineer with more than 8 years of experience in various Civil Engineering field i.e. Geosynthetics, Building Design, Road, Draftsmanship, and Project Management. He is the founder of this blog and his motto is to share his experiences with you. You can connect with him via mail to [email protected].

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