Concrete technology theory and practice by M.S. Shetty

Concrete technology theory and practice by M.S. Shetty.

Concrete technology is becoming a major subject in civil engineering. It is becoming the backbone
of infrastructural developments of every country. It has made tremendous advancement in the western and the eastern world. Though India is lagging behind, we are catching up fast with the rest of the world.

The quantity of concrete and other cement products made, utilising over 120 million tons of cement
to cater for the tremendous infrastructural development that is taking place in the country, is making the concrete industry one of the biggest in monetary terms. Western and Eastern countries have been making concrete of strength M40, M80, M100 and over. In the recent past, we in India have started using concrete of strength M30, M50 and even M75. We have a long way to go to learn and practice the art and science of making High Performance Concrete (HPC) yet. The recent revision of IS 456, code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete is guiding concrete technologists to make strong and durable concrete.

Major revision has been carried out in Fifthand Sixth Edition. Topics, such as blended cements, use
of admixtures and their use, field trials to find out their suitability, compatibility and dosage, RMe, pumping of concrete, latest methods mix design step by step, and extensive unconventional deliberation on durability, have been included.TABLE OF CONTENT IN THIS BOOK
1. Cement -1-26
2. Types of Cement and Testing of Cement 27-65
3. Aggregates and Testing of aggregates 66-118
4. Water 119-123
5. Admixtures and Construction Chemicals 124-217
6. Fresh Concrete 218-219
7. Strength of Concrete 298-324
8. Elasticity, Creep and Shrinkage 325-348
9. Durability of Concrete 349-419
10. Testing of Hardened Concrete 420-457
11. Concrete Mix Design 458-503
12. Special Concrete and Concreting Methods 504-607
General Reference Books 608-611
List of Indian Standard Specifications and Code of practices 612-616
Subject INDEX 617-624


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Jyotirmay Maity is a B.Tech Civil Engineer with more than 8 years of experience in various Civil Engineering field i.e. Geosynthetics, Building Design, Road, Draftsmanship, and Project Management. He is the founder of this blog and his motto is to share his experiences with you. You can connect with him via mail to [email protected].

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